Latest UniGlobal YourEssence Story Available Now! (Patreon)
2024-06-13 03:35:32
Georgia has it all: a high-paying job, a corner office, a loving husband, and a supportive family. She just can't figure out how to start a family without it ruining her career. A visit to the dark web reveals a mischievous use of an otherwise life-saving pharmaceutical, which sets Georgia's plan in motion. If Georgia had a doppelgänger, then she could have them start her family for her. One dose of YourEssence could create this reality; Georgia just needs a willing volunteer whom she can trust. "Daddy! We need to talk..."
The whole story is [18+] content and is for adults only.
I've attached a [PG-13] 4-page Preview for you to check out the story's start!