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Two new chapters of my ongoing stories are coming in August. But the big news is that I have a daily release of my comic "Bully Proof" scheduled for every single day of August. We will be going straight through 20 pages of issue two and jumping right into another full-length issue 3 without intermission. Issue 3 will conclude half of a full page way through September.

Some statistics for those who are interested:

  • 139 4k image renderings were created to build the story of Bully Proof 2 and 3

  • 55 pages with an average of 2.32 panels per page

  • Introduction of 2 new characters that have never appeared before.

  • The first appearance of a character previously referenced in Profoundly Powerless. Can you guess who it might be?




Thebestest Best

Hiii!! Im a new subscriber and wanted to ask if there’s any link or something that I can follow to scroll through the stories? I struggle a bit with patreons formatting


Great question! First, thank you for subscribing to and supporting my work. I am trying to make things easier to follow for my work, but this is good motivation to release more compilations that help people catch up. Give me a few days, and I’ll post some new compilations of my stories for easier access. Secondly, I can also publish a link for downloading my work all at once. I'll get that set up in the next couple of days.