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This is from like a year and a half ago. I just had a good laugh seeing it again. “I hate to say this...(sure) but I think Dan is going to end up being on the news within the next few weeks and it’s not going to be pretty!” I’m totally framing this for my office.




And they say he's still waiting for the news paper till this dah

Eric Thornton

Doctor Detroit Streams can suck my sweaty chocolate balls

Matthew Wade

No news is good news

Kathryn Frampton

🤣😂. Hilarious darling lol. I hope you're doing well Dan and taking care of yourself. Much love ❤️

foggy brain-donald

You showed that dumb bastard ! DB still going strong! Love brother 😀

Scott Oakes

People with such sad lives hang on to other's stories. Really pathetic


Typical Redditor smooth brain lmao


Selfie style looks like from that crazy train objectophilia bitch. Hope she rots in hell soon ❤️

Debbie Hanks

At least you can chuckle at it. I never worry about you being on the news for something bad. You're more like to making the news for positive things.


Dan my ex told me I would not live to see 30 bc I would kill myself before then. I’m 45 now. Fuck em!!

Matt Thomas

Dan Serra like a married couple I still miss his bluhbluhbluhbluh on the sound board I cracked up everytime but life moves on now your in a decent place and now you can lath about this. The Pod is one of the funniest I sub to. Looking forward to new ventures chin up Dan keep up the great work

Roemi Lo

It's odd how these types always push this narrative. Like a mix of concern and care...when in reality it's just dark thoughts. If anyone is unhinged in all of this...LOL it's not you!

Mark Pompeo

I’ll just never understand this, hoping someone you have a unhealthy grudge with Ill will hopefully this person will realize Rick was a narcissist asshole someday

DJ Metzler

I am ashamed that he is from this area. Most Detroiters are NOT that way. He’s only a pretend doctor obviously. R is irrelevant. I don’t even think about him ever any more.

Robert Dionne

didn't we move on from all of this? why post and validate?


I hope you’ve been Resting In Peace, Dan.

Jen aka luvjaxn

Is that doctor nirmals new screen name? 😳🙄😂

Bill Romjue

I think we've closed the Door on this some time ago. Time to move on to Better Times, Laughter, and Good Times. :)


because i’m still alive and never ended up on the news. (and yes robert we moved on. not everything is about you know who. this post has NOTHING to do with him.)

Carissa & Logan

What about that comment that went something like “I always thought Dan was like a serial killer going to abandoned buildings late at night. Now, it seems much more plausible.” That was a good one. -Logan


I’m one of those that was never really a big fan of Rick (he could be amusing sometimes but mostly not). So I think you’re better without him. Would love to see Brennan pop in again sometime though!

Brook Shaffer

What was most troubling about this was Rick “hearting” comments like these.

Kim Carr

The ending of a relationship is always “sad.” Rick had to go. Believe that your best days are ahead of you, and it will be true.


He was great initially, but his fragile psyche and non-existent self confidence couldn't handle a few jokes on his behalf. And it was constantly always about nagging about money, despite the fact that Dan is probably one of the most generous persons I've ever come across. He turned into a greedy, bitter boomer pretty quickly.


Hang in there Dan. I was talking to my therapist, yesterday, regarding a very similar situation I endured with two of my cousins. It is "gaslighting" what you and I endured. I completely understand what you have felt. I admire your strength because it took me 9 LONG years to overcome the damage that was done with the betrayal I endure with my two cousins. I admire your outlook on life and how you handle bad situations.

Kaleb Mock


Krissy Soares

The things people comment just blow my mind. Well Dan that was some great self destruction. Keep up the good work!! 😂🤯🖕🏼