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Gabriel C

37:27 is the start of where you can hear the first audible clank and you do hear more after that


Great timing — I am unable to sleep due to nerve pain. Maybe you can talk/drive me to sleep? Pleeeeeease! P.S. I’m glad WeeWee is safely tucked in w your parents .


Creepy is the minimal light shining onto your glasses in the early part of the video.

Robin Clizbe

A nice way to wake up this morning!


You lament these two other men doing Bigfoot stuff, yet here you are. PLEASE STOP. It’s a pointless waste of time and your talent.

Angelina D'Elia

Maybe it's a homeless camp and it was someone warning you not to come in there

Christian Anthony

Hey Dan, if you’re trying to track down property owners the OnX Hunt or OnX Offroad map apps might be useful. They show really good satellite and topo maps with property owner info.

Dreaming of Babylon

I'm a Bigfoot believer myself, but if you're asking for other possible explanations: Best guess is a woodpecker. They can make loud, irregular knocking sounds, including at night occasionally. It's not always the quick taptaptaptap you might usually hear when they're looking for a snack. They make different knocks for mating, defending territory, etc. Not sure what species are in your area, but some frogs and toads can make very weird low, thunking and knocking sounds. Trees themselves are a possibility. Esp in spring with hot days and cold nights, the wood expands, then contracts at night. That can make some very strange sounds as well. That said, I do hope it's Bigfoot


Agreed. You are too good to chase Bigfoot. Let that f’cker come to you!


Last comment on this video, I swear! Re: ACE… I feel the need to remind you that you once referred to him as “that toothless jack-off up in Buffalo.” 😹😹😹

Gina Patterson Livengood

Is it a beaver building a rock dam? Also you should carry bear spray, pepper spray, a gun, and enough people when you camp. Stay safe Dan 😘