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Patreon Live : 1/10/25



Lily Losh

I thought the video shredding the card was funny af. I don’t get how ppl would be offended, they must be new and not understand the history 🤣

Elena Hoverter

It was definitely funny af 🤣


Rick is not in his right mind, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind now after everything that has gone on. Rick is flat out stalking people now. Dan, you are simply covering your ass and putting him on blast, which Rick deserves at bare minimum. Rick is seriously lucky that he doesn't have criminal charges at this point. Anyone who wants you to shut up about this seriously does not understand the severity of the situation.


Furthermore Dan, you have my deepest sympathies with this situation. I was in a relationship with a female Rick for six years. You are doing everything right, you have to protect yourself. I mean, Rick was gaslighting Dolline on the Cocktail Hour. How much more proof do some of these people need??

Jack Chan

If you aren't happy with these posts there is plenty of room over at Rick's

Angelina D'Elia

That printer has to have updated software available online

Joe powell

Ok here my piece. First off Dan you don’t need to apologize for continuing to bring this up and defending yourself. In this day and age where people say whatever they want online and it’s automatically truth without any receipts I completely understand you feeling the need to address it, if you don’t then people start to wonder, sadly. I have been a member here since 2019 and at first I liked Rick however, listening to the podcast as years went on in different episodes he’d drop little hints on what his true intentions always were, Not being there to be your friend but to take advantage of you, and your kindness, and use it as a ploy for attention and money. Anyone whose been here long enough and listened to all your podcast should be able to tell not only whose telling the truth through all this, but also who the one is with mental issues. Part of me saw what happened on Christmas 2022 coming about a year or so before it happened, and I know others did to, because Rick although he liked to paint himself as this nice guy everyone wanted to call uncle, would constantly break character and drop red flags and his true self would come out. As years go on and things flare up and settle down, yes you talk about it on here but the way I see it, not only are you defending yourself which at this point after all the horrible shit that has been thrown and continues to be thrown at you, (how can anyone expect you to just sit there and be quiet about it? They obviously not experienced anything close to what you’re going through), this is also being chronologically catalogued as evidence of everything that has transpired. What Rick doesn’t realize is that this catalogue goes way back even before his self centered poor me temper tantrum that he had on Christmas Eve 2022, and it’s not only there for the courts (if it ever comes to it) but for EVERYONE to see and make there judgment on. The evidence against him is quite extensive at this point and the more he throws at you, the larger that catalog will grow. At this point anyone who is on here that has doubts about you and is hating on you, first off your Paying $5 to hate someone, how low your IQ must be! Take a long hard look at the blatant evidence that has been layed out in front of you and ask yourself, if anything that Rick has said about Dan were ever true would you ever want to have anything to do with this person ever again? No, you’d be glad to get them out of your life and never want to look back. So why does this person even after 2 years continue to reach out to make amends? Because it was all a lie! Btw he’s not sorry, he hasn’t learned a damn thing from this, he’s still not taking any accountability. He’s still supporting those who hate Dan, the proof is in his comment section and what he is saying about Dan. Nothing on his end has changed. And people see all that and think Dan is the one with mental issues?? Rick even dragged Brennen (who had no involvement) into all this and when he realized Brennen wasn’t talking to him, he tried to turn his audience against him as well. It’s sad seeing all the Rick comments Brennen is pestered with on his channel when he’s just trying to do his own thing and have fun…. Again more proof of Ricks true intentions. Dan please don’t ever feel like you need to apologize for defending yourself, I get it, and I think 95% of the people on your Patreon get is as well and want to be here to support you! Your content here has got me through some extremely rough times in the last few years, and now that I’m doing ok, I’d just like to be here to return the favor anyway I can, even if it’s just listening to you talk.

Renee Melochick Gall

Hey I’m here for you and have your back!! Love your content and you!

Jonathan O'Reilly

I can understand how stressful this situation has been to you. I’ve had to deal with similar friends as well and I hope you can get a satisfying resolution to it. We are happy to listen especially if it helps you to deal with it. I wouldn’t listen to people trying to shrug it off. If they understood what it was like, I doubt they would be talking like that about it. I can tell you’re a great guy Dan, and I am happy to support you and your content. Thank you for all you do!

Ryan Poggioli

Here's the thing: Rick, through his past and ongoing manipulative actions, has inflicted great pain on Dan's psyche and mental well-being. Dan's response, then, is that of someone who has endured years of constant psychological abuse and trauma from an SO and is well past the point of being willing to stand it passively. Though they might not be outwardly pretty or civil, these videos are one way for him to assert autonomy and resilience in the face of Rick's continued gaslighting. Nowhere in them has Dan said anything that could escalate or worsen the conflict beyond a point it hasn't already reached. In fact, they mainly add further background and context to the years-long nightmare Dan has been dealing with courtesy of Rick. Dan has the right to retaliate against his tormentor through the means he finds prudent. If overly sensitive patrons don't like it, they are free to tune out indefinitely or leave!


I have an idea for someone who would be entertaining on one of your future A.D.R. documentaries. My local news station (WJRT T.V. 12) has a morning show that is popular, here in Mid Michigan. The news anchor, and host of the Good Morning Mid Mid Michigan program, is Matt Barbour. He anchors the news and hosts the morning show. His charm and genuine sense of humor has made the morning local news show very popular. I think he would be great teaming up with you and Brennen because he is so loved and genuinely funny. I have a feeling he is going to, someday, move on to a national news level because he has brought so many viewers to the morning show.


You have the perfect responses to this whole debacle. Spelled out in words how I’m trying to convey verbally. Thanks Ryan!!


“...if anything that Rick has said about Dan were ever true would you ever want to have anything to do with this person ever again? No, you’d be glad to get them out of your life and never want to look back. So why does this person even after 2 years continue to reach out to make amends? Because it was all a lie!..”


The manufacturer offers an offsite program that costs money but you get it for free. THE PROGRAM SUCKS. I’m probably going to just buy a new scanner. This scanner cost me like $500 five years ago. :-(


It’s amazing isn't it? Unless you’ve been through it it’s hard to understand how awful it truly is. Sorry for your troubles.


This is the catch 22, sometimes I wish people would understand what it feels like to go through this, but then I wouldn't wish this treatment on my worst enemy. You will persevere Dan, I know you will.


oh, Christmas of 2022 this happened? I haven't been checking for a bit, but christmas 2022 was a fun time for me with a histrionic ex neighbour who decided to threaten me over nothing and stalked me at my workplace before I cut her sh#t out. She can be histrionic on her own, her and her courtcases against the world... anyway it has been a little bit of a shock to hear of the falling out, one has an image in their mind of a person while watching a show and it's weird to find out that stuff might happen between the videos and 'characters' might not be what they seem to be. Rick was a bit whack, but I guess there's a funny line between lovely whack and...'ok let's not deal with this person anymore' type of whack. If they are aging just as your country's declining leadership on top of fascism there might be cognitive decline too.

Genn H

Oh man. Be sure to thoroughly research Trisha Paytas before ever working with her, she’s done a lot of horrible things for clicks/views, and constantly exploits her children online now.