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I accidentally deleted the long stream and not the messed up stream. smh. I’ll make it up to all of you on this snowy sunday.



No worries Dan 🙌

Danny Walsh

These letters are strange… do you think one of his fans sent them? Dolleen thought you sent the photo to them lol

Danny Walsh

The photo sent to Dan was Rick wearing a bikini, and said “please forgive me” or something lol


Strange as in why would anyone waste their time with something so pointless and unfunny? As I said in the stream...that mail allowed Rick a lifeline tonight to a larger audience than usual. If I received a piece of mail saying I looked like that woman on IG the last thing I would do is post it online. Not RS. He probably got his first boner in years knowing he had something to post that’s related to me and that’s enough to peak the interest of those wack jobs that still watch him occasionally to tune in in hopes he goes off the rails. At this point he has to know that the only reason he has any viewers is because there are still people who are completely obsessed with me hoping he opens his mouth. If Rick hadn’t received that mailer and posted it everywhere like a 16 year old girl getting a birthday card from her boyfriend he would’ve had 15 to 25 viewers tops. He knows that he cannot sustain his channel without having my name attached hence why he’s been pulling these stunts as of late. He’s fully aware of what it does. Go look at his numbers before the “I’m going to the Belvedere” stream. His views were underwater. Now he’s back to his 80-100 viewers because my name is used yet again. He even got a $100 superchat tonight from some sad soul who needed that attention. I think my anger and frustration with this whole thing needs to be processed again and I need to learn that future events...yes there will be future events when his views inevitably tank again...should be ignored. The thing that really irks me to no end is that he is lying to his family to rile them up as well. He doesn’t know how to operate unless he’s lying and they’ve been spoon fed a daily stream of his shit for decades. The greatest mistake I ever made in my life was bringing him into the public eye. It has caused me nothing but stress, anxiety, anger and frustration even two fucking years after I put my foot down. I learned many lessons about what to look for in a person from here on out but those lessons cost me a lot of grief and a lot of money. I’m hoping THIS marks the end of this chapter. Ive literally said what I needed to say and I’m fucking done with this. Hopefully he respects that and moves on.


You didn’t miss anything worthwhile. It was stupid 30 minute stream of me making food and talking. No whoppers.

Heather Ray

You have been killing it on Patreon and YouTube, Dan.. don't apologize

Danny Walsh

I can only imagine what he would’ve said about it if he was 6 cocktails in at the bar again lol. Sad… he really does seem to be an alcoholic. By the end of the cocktail hour, Dolleen had to cut him off from drinking, and he was slurring his words badly. She even said “Whenever I make him a drink, it’s always a double!”

Kathryn Frampton

Snowy Sunday? Isn't this Sat? 🤭. Or are you making it up to us with livestream tomorrow! ❤️


DAN!!! Roseanne Barr just dropped a rap song. I need to hear you roast this! https://youtu.be/nb7fAEQaJwE?si=k9G0Qd8Gd6MGJeB2

Danny Walsh

It was just 30 minutes in his kitchen at like 4 AM haha. He talked about anonymous letters that were sent to him and Rick.


Thanks Danny! Yeah... I was reading these comments to get UTD....wow that's crazy! I wouldn't be surprised if it was RS who did it!


Btw Dan I asked a friend who’s now vegan but used to love cheese before she went vegan - she says Daiya, Violife and Trader Joe’s are good brands for vegan cheese.