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DAN BELL SATURDAY Ep. 12 : A Scary Story From 1991 : Driving Around Baltimore

PRINTS : thisisdanbell.com EXCLUSIVES : patreon.com/thisisdanbell


Cathy Byers



We'll be there!


holy cow. I fell asleep listening to this (was me, not you) and I was legitimately freaked out when I did .. ended up having a dream with both of us on bikes at night 😂😂 we went into this weird building and found old kid’s toys from the 70s. 😭


I fell asleep w this livestream too. That was some date story at the end! “He was a damn good liar. I don’t think one thing he told me was true.” Sounds like my worst ex-bf. Fortunately there was no Glade involved in my situation.


Dan I’ve been LOVING the videos lately, thank you so much ❤️


I think it's great that you're focusing on the FILM IT channel for the time being. Sometime in a distant future I would absolutely L-O-V-E to see a Part 2 of "The Mysterious Everglades", but I totally understand that you have other priorities these days.


I had a nightmare very similar to your actual encounter. My wife and I own 30 acres in western Virginia. I had a dream I was out in the field and I heard her call to me from the woods. I msg'd her on the two-way and she said, "no I'm in the house." There was some sort of mimic... thing, in the woods. I woke up terrified. In the dream it was also just barely nightfall. It sounds like returning to the scene of that encounter would make a cool video. Maybe bring someone with you :D