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One commission finished! for Bluejonnette who was kind and waited for me to finish it ^^ 

Hope you like this peculiar idea with a cameo of Angel! ;D

A Roulette and many laughs ;D what else do we want, the more money they lose the worse the tickles get! :D and once they run out of money, well I gues you can see what happens :D



Roan slingerland

Can the next art be a minccino tickling.. else later on an art of it


I will see ^^ I dunno if that may be but if you mean the pokemon tickling someone, could be if we get some pokemon ideas in a near futuro XD


No problem man, thanks for commissioning me! ^^ and sorry for the long wait :D

Roan slingerland

Ok. I just wish there be more minccino tickling since it is littary a tickle pokemon


Ah, so you did choose commissions?