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Let's carry on shall we? ;D the next pages are here! :D if you miss the start you can watch it HERE as well as see how the posts will come! :D

I hope you like this! and don't worry more stuffs will come this week! ;D Hope you have a nice weekend! ^^ be safe!

You can see the next pages HERE 




And the plot thickens awesome work again man another amazing set of pics. As usual the colours and shading are all fantastic and both May and Courtney look amazing 👏. Also I can remember if I said this in my comment on the last comic post but the straitjacket bondage May is in looks honestly unbelievable. Also not to mention that both girl's facial expressions are absolutely fantastic and I love how nervous May is getting. Overall another great set of pics and I can't wait too see May's cute feetsies get tickled 😈

Miguel Salizar

The teasing buildup on this is spectacular dude.