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Sorry I'm behind in my Patron-Exclusive reviews. I still need to do the reviews for March through September, but in the meantime, enjoy this review from Bobsheauxween!


Zoombies Review - PATRON EXCLUSIVE!

Welcome to Jurassic Pa- I mean... uh....



Insert Zoochosis joke here

Curtis Rogahn

To me it sounds more like some kind of zombie themed hotwheels track. Also, I feel the formula should have a small bit of 'Alien' in it with the chest burster and the 'blow the ship' plan.


I should hate this film but I'm too busy laughing at it.

Alexis Dominey

Dundett has succumbed to the Dumbass in Distress disorder.



Celeste Heron

Same for me, video unavailable. :(

Keshia Anders

Jurassic Park × Jurassic World + Outbreak (because of the infected monkeys) + The Walking Dead - good acting & special effects + a zoo = This movie. Also "zoombies" to me sounds like a mini Nerf football.