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Hello, patrons. For the time being, I am retiring the $50 tier and putting a hold on the accompanying custom artwork reward.  Some new tax laws (which will go into affect in July) are being implemented towards Patreon, and I need to figure out whether or not any artwork I send out will be considered taxable.  Currently the only content that I'm creating that will be taxed are my monthly patron-exclusive videos, and because those videos are available to pledges as little as $2, only $2 of however large a pledge you're making will be taxed. (For example, if you live in a state that has a 10% tax and you're pledging $25 to my Patreon, you will be taxed $.20 instead of $2.50.)  If we find out that my custom artwork is NOT taxable, I'll be returning the $50 tier and bring back the reward. This is simply a measure being taken to relieve any unnecessary burden from my upper-tier patrons who would otherwise be taxed for $52 instead of $2.  This will also not affect those who are already owed artwork; I will send out the artwork that you are owed once I have a moment to breathe and... you know... DO it. lol

Don't forget to tune in at 5 PM PST on May 6th to join me and Raven for our Quarantastic Storytime with Bobsheaux, and the awkward return of Mad Lib Theatre!


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