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Grog and Fjord are coming together next month! Cant wait to work on those dudes again they give me life.

And last call for Mousepads! Im going to open the rest to outside patreon tomorrow so make sure to email me at blake@blakealexanderart.com before then to make sure you get one of these. Hairy Bolin will be available when preorders start.

And yes. They are very squishy and a great place to rest your wrist




Yo Blake It won't let me email you (I think)


I meant to comment on this one lol How much are they tho?


Hey not sure you received my mail :)

Ivan Vb

Hello. I just become a patreon I just emailed you

Ivan Vb

Would like to purchase all three or so


emailed! (apologies if i didn’t need to email again, forgot if i didn’t have to wait for respond etc ~)


That’s definitely doable! Make sure to email me at blake@blakealexanderart.com and I’ll set them aside for you!


Hi hi I've sent a email a while back! Just wanted to double check!


Hi! Sorry about that! Ill make sure to set on aside for you! I see your email now and I’ll make sure to send you all the info you need soon


Nope nothing :) it was about the potential hairy Bolin mousepad XD


Sorry about that! Emails are being weird right now. And no worries on that! You’ll be able to just preorder that from my website directly in a few days. I’ll let you know on here!