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Vimeo being weird so thank goodness this is pg enough for YouTube. Incredibly excited to do more animations and learn how to use this program better. Hope y’all enjoy the 1 second animation that took so many hours to make.

Thank you everyone for being here! More experiments and hairy dudes coming next month! 


Bolin flexing

This is my first try at animating! I hope y’all enjoy the second that took me about a week



Very excited for you as you continue to explore this, and Bolin looks so happy!


Great work on the animation. It looks fantastic! Love his blush and the cheecky tongue stick out. He knows he is putting on a good show. Know how much effort it is to do animation let alone drawing ya fantastic art and putting them together oh my the sheer hottness. Again great work and dont over work yourself too hard. Take all the time ya need and hope just have fun!