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I crawl from my abyss of holiday health issues to splat A PAGE into your lap!!! Thanks for your patience; it's been a hell of a December. Enjoy Tamberlane's surprise visitor!




her dress is so pretty!

Mike Gorlewski

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And we’re happy to hear you’re doing better😊.


Penny's almost as tall as Tam now. They grow up so fast.


Just like their moms, future best friends.


Yes!!! I love Penny and her whole family, she and they are some of my favourite characters. She and her little brother are so cute. I hope to see more of her, Parker and the rest of Penny’s family (as well as seeing more Parsley X Marie moments) in the future. She’s even more cute when she’ and Tamberlane are together, the two of them are like BFF’s, heck more like sisters


I don’t like the way terra said about “in case of Belfry emergency bandages”. In just sounded rude. I mean I know that Bel is clumsy, but she’s been giving Tam some space for some time now, and she’s been feeling bad enough already. So come on cut her some slack. I feel like everyone is taking her for granted and treating her like she’s a danger to Tamberlane, it annoys me.


Wrong dramatic entrance. This one is full of cute and cheers and enthusiasm. Love Penny's struggle to climb onto the bed for hugs.


If friends can visit I hope Cur and Kira visit Jonas soon


Does anyone think that Tamberlane and Penny are cute together? I wanna see more of them soon. The same with Parsley and Marie. And Nora and Henry.