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 Squabble squabble squabble! Poor Tamberlane. 

Composition notes:

The top two panels are actually one panel that I broke into two; the two are ragged along the center edges, and the talking overlaps the borders, to get across how bad the argument is getting. By the last two panels, things are mostly stable because Walter has taken control.



River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:45:58 I love these compositions notes! I hope Tess eventually comes around >:
2018-02-28 16:51:51 I love these compositions notes! I hope Tess eventually comes around >:

I love these compositions notes! I hope Tess eventually comes around >:

Wilford B. Wolf

Belfry really should be using Walter as a mediator. He's at least sympathetic to Tamberlane's plight, even if he was a bit ambivalent before.