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BAM, three pages this week! Plus a Maple Sugar page! Finally been feeling well enough to get that buffer up.

Today's Patreon cameo is Timmothy the meerkat! You'll see more of him later this chapter. (oh no, spoilers) Thanks, Timmo!!!

Today's composition notes: full bleed frames.

When you want a moment to pop, or feel like the action is exploding out of the page, a full-bleed* frame is great. For this page, I wanted Piper's escape to be sudden, full of energy, and attention-drawing. Plus I got to draw more characters. Hi again Terra! Hi again, Ainsley!

* Full-bleed is a printing term. The size of your paper is your "trim". You may have noticed when you try to print something on a whole piece of paper at home that it leaves a white border around the edge. If you want a picture to go all the way to the edge, you need to draw into the "bleed." Aka, about an eighth of an inch past the trim. 

So you're drawing on a larger piece of paper than the final, and then the paper gets trimmed down to the final size.

Thus a full-bleed frame is one that is drawn past the trim so that the illustration reaches the edge of the page when it's printed!
