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Request: wearing sexy lingerie.

I had to generate her again 3 times, because I didn't like the first ones, and there were few good images left.

Best variant (3rd try):

Link to view and download: [111 images] - google drive

Link to view and download: [111 images] – mega

Worse variant (2nd try):

Link to view and download: [41 images] - google drive

Link to view and download: [41 images] – mega

Worse variant (1st try):

Link to view and download: [31 images] - google drive

Link to view and download: [31 images] – mega




Yes, please and thank you!! 😈


Wow so Hot😍

Bi Potter Fan

Amazing sets! Great job!


There is something hot about a goth girl with pigtales <3, hope we get to "explore" her more later :D


I noticed that the new AI still have some problems with the eyes, the pupil tends to look a bit odd, fore a human ;)


I'm still working with eyes. I've found 3 methods so far, but they all don't work well (maybe I'll try to combine them) 🤔


It is only noticeable in closeups or when I zoom in on the face, so it is not a big deal, just a bit distracting.

Biscuit Butt

Always happy to get more Wednesday! 😻❤️


Wednesday III was definitely nice


Well, the shower shots and sleepy cream pies were all pretty hot on the lesser sets! So, at least there was still that! 😬👍

Bi Potter Fan

I love when you can do famous TV/movie characters like this without needing to make them look identical to the actresses.