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Hello, everyone.

I'm posting this out of turn and instead of tomorrow's post because this character I've created appears too lifelike in some images, and I want to ask Patreon support if I can create content of this nature.

I hope for a positive response... (and I hope I won't get banned for this post).

Download link 



Cool breeze

I hope it’s a positive response too. I think I see what you’re saying about some of the images. But I thought they looked amazing. I think it was because of her eyes, they were smaller in some of the images. But I really liked that. Her outfits looked really good too


In short, Patreon said everything was ok. Apparently, I can make characters that look more real (I won't always do this, since reality doesn't suit all characters)




Who needs internet porn when you can get women to pose the way you want to, also they are more "perfect". Carry on the excellent renders.


I am glad to hear that. Now it makes me want to have a new Jill set even more