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Apparently, Patreon support doesn't like the fact that I contact them too often...

Because now I am forbidden to publish images of characters in the posts themselves, where they are naked (well, at least showing their genitals).

This is justified by “depicting realistic AI in pornographic contexts.” Honestly, don't ask me why cartoon characters are considered realistic AI content. I even asked about some of my previous posts that were depicted in a more realistic manner and got the green light. And now something strange is happening...

But I believe that through the Google Drive links themselves I can leave these images. In any case, the bulk of the content is located there.

In the post itself I will now publish only characters in clothes, or with bare boobs, and the link will contain the rest.



What a weird company, anyway, hope this works 👌🏻


Because of Patreon having manual curation you get drastically different answers depending on who's looking at your page. It's not an uncommon thing for adult content creators. I'd saying keeping preview images to fully clothed is a good idea plus it's a bigger tease for your fans. Win-win!


Really need to consider an alternate platform / sending file links out direct / through a host


Hi, please look at the https://www.deviantart.com/ I suppose it will be better to publish all want you/we need :)