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Hi all!

Many of you may have encountered a problem: You cannot download files from Google Drive. Because the text there says: “Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

I personally did not know before that there was some kind of download restriction... (I apologize for that).

Now I wrote to Google support to find out if I can somehow increase this quota.

Just in case, I would like to ask you, maybe I should upload images to some other file storage? (if yes, write good options in the comments, please).



Odd. I've never had an issue downloading any of them even if I wait several days before choosing to download.


The mega download appears to be working great. I just admit, I haven’t been able to download a single file since the streefighter chick. Maybe you could upload those again using the mega…?


I also saw many other cteators that used "mega". Or could you upload the zip file or files directly to patreon? (They have a upload limit per file, but it definitely works great to download as it's the easiest ... You really only have to klick on the link once and it downloads.) Also I wanted to ask, if you could name the zip file like the character name and the "univese he is from" and not "file with all pictures". It would make the file organization sooo much easier! So that it looks something like this: *character name*-*game or anime*-*yy-mm-dd*


I'll try to make archives with different names. But I won’t write the date there (because I’m publishing the images a little later than I made them). Regarding the archives in Pateron itself. There is a file size limit of 200 MB. My archives are larger than 250 MB. I don’t know how to compress them so tightly - I tried, but it didn’t work. Therefore, the only option left is with links


Ok, I understand. The date also isn't as necessary, but the different names would be great! And about the file sizelimit, yes that's correct, you can't compress it that much, but the other creators I saw, just saved the pics in two packages (zip files) or how many you need and just add "part1" and "part2" or something similar to the end of the filename. This should work. :) What do you think?


Yes, this is brilliant! I'm dumb enough to figure it out myself. I’ll try to do this in the future (but for now I’ll upload everything to Mega - initially)

Shokuhou Misaki

I haven't had any issues downloading a file from your google drive, but if users are having trouble with this, there is an easy work around I have used before: Google will rate limit certain files if enough users try to download them because their filters detect it as a potential posting of pirated content, however they only track the *downloads* of a particular file. 1) Sign into your own google account (or if you don't have one / don't want yours associated with NSFW content, make a new one. Its free and easy). Sometimes downloading from an account instead of an anonymous internet user will be enough to solve the problem by itself! 2) Add the file to your google account by right clicking on it and selecting "Make a Copy". Because it's just copying the file from one Google account to another, it's not actually tracked as a "download". This means it's not contributing to the download limit, nor is it being blocked by piracy filters. 3) Go to your drive and download your copy of the file. Because it is a new file on your account and not the file that has a bunch of downloads, this will not trigger the download limit (To google, this is the first time anyone has tried to download the file) 4) After downloading it, delete it from your account (Or you can leave there if you prefer). Obviously do whatever is easier for you / your users but I (personally) like the google drive model you have used!


I also know how to bypass this issue, but for many users, it will be like 'dancing with a tambourine.' So, I will probably use two file storages at once (just in case). More work, but what can I do if there are such limitations


Thanks for your effort to make things easier for everyone

Myconditionisdire . (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 00:26:17 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.
2024-02-13 00:26:17 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.
2024-02-13 00:26:17 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.
2024-02-13 00:26:17 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.
2024-02-13 00:26:17 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.
2024-01-17 21:49:46 Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.

Had no idea Drive had download limits myself. I really appreciate your efforts to address this issue. So glad to enjoy your work so easily.


Never had any problems downloading any file from Google. Maybe it also depends on why I'm a registered user and paying to have my own space. Thanks anyway for the information.