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All of Kyu’s sultry secrets are laid bare in front of her own MASTER and everyone will know about her TITILLATING TICKLISH WEAKNESS! Do you want to see BARE TITILLATING TICKLISHNESS???!

YOU DO?!??

Good, cuz there’s a whole lot of it to share with you all in this issue.

Please Note: This comic will be available for purchase at MTJpub.com  in early 2022!




Will kyu beg for mercy?


Holy shit this so so hot. They really did tear her suit right off lol. My guy's suit looks nice as hell. Those nipples look so sensitive god damn. No way my guy doesn't see just how ugh excited Kyu seems to be getting *wink* *wink*. This stuff is Fire Bandito

The Bandito

It's kind of a fun contrast when his suit is all badass and Kyu's is....confetti. XDDD