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These  were the first sketches we received from the talented artist Bordon  when we sent him the first Botcorps concept and script.  He captured the  ideas behind the series so quickly and completely:  this gritty  dystopian world, where all human physical contact was a distant memory.   Novak continues to be one of my favorite characters to this day.  And  the idea of a strong-willed, perfectly-trained, incredibly gorgeous gal  SCREAMING IN LAUGHTER from her first TICKLE…that’s…

Well…that’s just classic.

-The Bandito




OH HOW I DO MISS Novak. Bordon's artwork was insanely hot and as B himself mentioned the premise of the series with ultra sensitive highly trained babes is so so good! Always loved how Novak had to watch the rookie get tickled out of her mind before they got to her. A MTJ and Bandito Classic indeed buddy ;)


Also this is such a small thing but that back tattoo, I just love it!!!

The Bandito

THE BACK TATTOO! That was one of those details that I felt like kind of flavored Novak well. Thanks for always noticing and commenting on the small details, good buddy!

The Bandito

You do?? That's awesome! Some characters transcend their series. Novak strikes me as one of those. Not that I don't love the BotCorps series. I do. But I also really enjoyed seeing Novak in the THOMPSON CORPORATION and even the only current issue of DEADEYE COMPANY. I love that tough tender temptress! That scene where Novak watches the Rookie tickled is a ton of fun for me. So glad you enjoy it too. Something about having to watch someone disassembled by tickle torture in front of you and knowing you are next! Also something about trying to be strong for her boss while the ticklers make her lose all control. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. I need to work some of those dynamics into a future tickling comic or twelve. XD Thanks, as ever, for your awesomeness!