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If we’re going to spend time looking at SEXY TICKLING ESPIONAGE HOTNESS, we would be remiss if didn’t spend some time flashing back to the WORLD’S MOST TICKLISH SECRET AGENT….


When Ozzy approached me to draw his EPICALLY HOT SONYA SANCHEZ I was through the roof in excitement. This was one of the first images that I sketched in giddy excitement. And I won’t lie to you…it still makes me chortle quietly a little to myself.

-The Bandito




Love my red headed agent and this wonderful artwork B! Always wondered is that clip next to the keys supposed to be for scaling?

The Bandito

With Sonya who knows. I love her...but I don't think she has a solid grasp on the laws of physics when it comes to scaling. Or holding up 4,000lb doors above her head. Or just her anatomy in general. Definitely gravity-defying. LOL.