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I love Doc Random’s art! And it was a no-brainer to have him take over the VAMP RECORDS series when that opportunity came up. This page is a perfect example as to why.

I love how dynamic and sexy his feet are (and he draws good feet too…LMAO). I love how expressive his characters are. I love the chemistry he creates in his comics. And I love how darn talented the guy is.

Not to mention - look how FREAKING COOL THE SKETCH WORK IS HERE!

I’m such a comic art geek. Hope you dig this stuff too. ;o)



Jessica Koza



So much packed into a simple single page...and that was just a sketch page! I think Bandito has a bit of a dude crush 😊😘😍

The Bandito

Me too! And I can tell ya...you sure are gonna LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the next issue! ;o)

The Bandito

Good times! And there's nothing wrong with a little bromance. ;o)