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  • To: Human Resources Department
  • From: Stephanie Rulenski, Director of Human Resources
  • Date: 1.6.23
  • RE: Department Regulations

In accordance with our new sexual harassment guidelines, the following behaviors are strictly prohibited:

1.) The TICKLE TORTURE of any Fiction Inc. employees (unless of course they violate policy or are out on a Personal Improvement Plan).

2.) The erotic tickling of any employees unless they are clocked in and have completed HR Virtual Training 2305.

3.) Any strip tickling in designated food or beverage areas.

And on a related note, using any of our INTER-OFFICE bondage equipment without reserving it first through our scheduling portal will be met with the harshest of consequences.

You heard me,


Please Note: This comic will be available for purchase at MTJpub.com in late January!




That nemo read very seriously...BUT...that sounds like one super fun office to work at. Any positions going?

Andrew Martinez

Made Macey cry??? In laughter??? lol

The Bandito

Stephanie is NOT messing around. And yet...there seems to be a lot of messing around going around. LOL. As for open positions: I hear they're hiring in the shipping and receiving department. But you have to interview with Stephanie. ><