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The third process video is here :) Hopefully by the time you're seeing this, the exhibition is going well or has just concluded!
Back on topic: Portraits are challenging as always to get perfectly right, I learned quite a bit here on how to draw messily colored hair especially. Working with natural chaos in design and texture is a bit of an antithesis to my usual very technical approach, but I think the results aren't too bad!
As always, feel free to ask any questions below regarding the process (or anything really!) and thank you all for your amazing support!

There should be ONE more piece for the month, if I can squeeze it in!

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Hi!, can I ask what brush you use for sketching? Is one of the basics?


I love your way of drawing so much, do you plan on doing another mega tutorial?? Seeing you draw in real time is super enriching for the little artist that I am

Taelo Machai

Hi, I would like to ask how do you balance studying art and producing illustrations/pieces?


The trick is that every new piece is also a study of many different things at once, so I'm really always doing in depth studies :) Personally I'm not a fan of quick studies as they don't seem to really allow me to really get to grips with everything fully.


Thank you, it's great to hear thay you liked it so much! I want to as well, but I feel until I have something really new to say that suits a demo format, I'm spending that energy to create more works (for now) ! :)

Taelo Machai

Thank you, I've been doing mainly studies and started to see that I need to make more finished works. With your approach I can hit 2 birds with 1 stone. I'll give it a try!


Hey Guweiz, hope everything is well! I just started subscribing to your Patreon after having read your book about a thousand times haha. I haven’t watched that many videos yet so you may have answered this question before. But I am just curious, when you get rid of the sketch, is that just by merging it down with the underlying painting and then painting over, or is it by just deleting it/ disabling it? Anyways thank you for these videos, I am having so much fun watching them! (:


It's a good question! Usually I paint under it after the sketch is OK, to form the value draft. Once that is done is when I might start painting over it. Thank you for the support ! :)


h!i can you do a short design for the tutorial for the tattoo? and how to apply the character to make it look seamless. also, do you design the tattoo straight on the character or do on the side then put it on the character?