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If you enjoyed this month's art, the behind the scenes process is video is now up!
As always, I go through all the key points about each of the pieces, and how the work process flows from start to finish.

I learnt a lot from creating this set as well, so please excuse the length of the video as I really found quite a bit of interesting stuff to share :)

As always - thank you so much for your kind support here, and please look forward to the mega tutorial episode coming up very soon!

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GUWEIZ Patreon Series EP23 (Process Steps)



You always amaze me. You made a sketch more detailed then I do my final drawings and you didnt even uploaded it. *sign* I have a few questions for you tho. 1. How to approch fan art of the anime character? I feel like I am always way to much influenced by the art style and so my drawing doesn't end up as I want. 2. How do you approch a full body drawing in top down or upwards possion? I try but I just can't if I use box it just doesnt help and if I try to do something else it comes out worse then before. 3. And finally. How to become a "God" like you? 😅 😳 (i hope there is not to may grammer errors, english is my second language)


Thank you, I think it's less of a sketch than an actual attempt that failed! To answer your questions: 1. It's difficult to separate the style from the fanart I suppose, seeing as it comes as a package. It might help to break down the design of the character and then apply that only without being influenced by too much else. 2. The answer is reference and close observation - take into account the surrounding's perspective and scale too. For difficult poses/angles, it will definitely take time and practice to slowly figure things out and make sure to use plenty of reference. 3. I'm still far away from being that good!


Hey Gu, happy level up, if I remembered correctly you too have birthday around now :D I was inspired by your mirror panel and appreciated your process walk-through a lot. https://twitter.com/IFrAgMenTIx/status/1630257117260132354?s=20 Thank you for everything that you do <3