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The process videos are coming up for this month's set of artworks! It has been quite a challenging process drawing them, so there's plenty of difficulties and learning points to talk about in the upcoming videos, starting with this one!

From finding the best angles to create an establishing shot, to drawing heavy areas of detail and making signboards, I explain my thinking and reasoning as to why certain thing were done a particular way, and more. As always, I'll leave the video to you - and please feel free to ask any related questions below and I will get to them ASAP!

The next few are coming up very soon, so please look forward to them too!

Watch on Youtube




Not that it matters too much but the YT link does link to episode 32.2 instead of 32.1, just thought you should know


Thanks for catching that, I always get the copy pasting messed up when making the hyperlinks


Hi guwei, may i know you are drawing separately background and character right ?Or add layer on top top?


I am drawing character and BG separately this time for this set on many layers, just because of the complexity