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Here you have a little resume of the Ultra method.

Nothing new, Its only a color guide (as you probably know)

The idea if give you compendium of all my insta classic post of Space marines. In PDF Vertical format to be checked offline without Instagram.


Aqui teneis un pequeño resumen del metodo para ultras.

Nada nuevo, solo es una guia de color.

La idea es que tengais un compendio de todos los metodos. En Pdf con formato vertical, para ser consultados offline sin necesidad de ver en Instagram.




Hi Juan, I am a new member and a big Ultramarines fan. I just looked through the posts and I am struggling to find the which colors to use of edge highlighting. In this pdf you show how to get from printing to the blue undertone, but the rest is not shown. Can you tell me what color did you use for the edge highlight? Did you do additional highlighting on edges etc.? Thanks and sorry if its already posted somewhere but I couldn't find it.


Hi dude, thank you! I use to edgehighligth with AK ducat blue, and max bright with deep sky blue


Hi Juan, first time trying the method. Do I go full opacity with the first blue color or do I have to stop myself from going too opaque? Thanks in advance


the key is that your black and white work see throught the ink layer... that is why is importan use transparent inks.... no all contrast are transparents... if the ink is transparent you will get a full color version of the ink when its over white.. and darker tones over grey and super dark over the black...