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Here you have the first part of the eigthbound!

Aquí tenéis la primera parte del octojurado!



Waiting a long time for this, thank you!


Do you ever thin the AK Metallics?

Roy Rossovich

Great work. I am interested in knowing more about your brush care and how you keep such a fine point with a loaded brush. Will you do any content PDF on that in the future maybe? thanks!


Hi, do you think that under painting the shadows with green like with thin ink, could give a good shadow pattern?


Juan, could you please go into some more detail about what the ratio is for the mix of deep red + fluor magenta + fluor orange? Very much appreciated thank you!!!!!!!


Por qué motivo usas nuln oil en lugar de un lavado de óleo de los que usas más habitualmente? Gracias!


Queria probar su comportamiento contra una superfficie barnizada brillo, se comporta peor, menos comodo que el oleo, pero el acabado es similar, pero es menos engorroso que el oleo ... Asi que es algo a tener en cuenta