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Love it. Will try this recipe out! If I may request something.. It would be Necrons im Candy Red but Grimdark. Because I really struggle with it. But I have this Paint Scheme for my Necrons in mind.. Candy Red Body, Ornaments greenish copper/bronze, any glow effect in neon sickly greenish-yellow. But I can not get Candy Red right....

Luke Takeuchi

Our of curiosity when using Citadel contrast paints through your airbrush, do you thin it down at all? Or just straight from the pot?

Rance Kidder

He thins it down. You can see him doing so on the Einhyr Champion video part 1.


You can use directly, but dryies very fast so I always add a little of vallejo thinner. And that helpme to control te intensity of the color too

Lucas Mclouth

Are these PDFs viewable from the iPhone app? I only seem to be able to look at them like an image. I never see any type of option to actually download or view the entire PDF…?