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Here you have the second PDF about the Lone Wolf of Ultramar. Will be another one with the blade and the base.

Aquí tenéis el segundo PDF del Lone Wolf de Ultramar. habrá otro PDF sobre el cuchillo y la base.



Gene Higgins

Not loving the password for the PDF. When I save this and refer to it later I need to also save a list of passwords? I get that you're probably trying to prevent piracy but this is a pain

Oliver Vollmer

Gene Higgins is right. That might make me quit as it is too much of a pain in the ...

Robert McMillon

Why would you add passwords? I save your PDFs so I can have them open on my iPad next to my painting station. This is ridiculous.

Anthony Mittermayr

Same! I know it’s frustrating but I manually added the password into the “save password”. Hope this is changed though

Ryan Rodrigues

Adding passwords was definitely a choice. I’ll give this a shot because I love the content but if it’s a pain in the butt every time I want to paint, I’ll have to cancel my sub

Patrick Barton

The passwords are too much. They are making me consider dropping my sub.


Please take down the password! Having a hard time opening them on my phone and tablet :/


Please take down the passwords. I started your patreon about year ago. I cannot imagine having 20 pdf files and passwords for them all. It makes using pdfs on phones impossible especially if you want check something quick.


thank you for being so much time. Im trying to find a balance between content protection and content released. What if the password match the name of the file? that could work? a rule easy to remember and gives me a little more protection... dont know. Im open to suggestions


Sorry for not responding to your answer and thank you for taking down passwords. 🙂