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Party in the Stall

They know where the real party is. In a dirty stall, over the toilet, in the hidden corner of the room...

Someone suggested Chun Li getting shagged in a bathroom so here we are. I modified the idea just a bit to fit what was easier for me to execute.

Thank you to "🗿" for the idea and everyone in general for providing all your ideas.

Check the usual links in Patreon's collections Tab named "Tier Folders" for peanut tier and cashew tier. Check folder called "Party in the Stall". Multiple Versions included

**Tech Notes**

Processing and Rendering and Cycles

So, to cut down on Render Time I attempted to use upscaling after I rendered at a lower resolution. Overall, it's alright. The upscaling removes some small details which is kinda annoying but it's not too noticeable. Cycles is really just this looming annoyance where I have to constantly try to accommodate for it. Cycles just always seems to give some questionable looks when trying to sacrifice quality for time and I don't have the time to let something render for 3 days just for 30 seconds of animation...
I might stick it out and give it some more tries. I'm looking into getting even better hardware so that maybe Cycles runs a bit easier. Thank you guys for the support by the way, it helps to finance upgrades like this.


I didn't want to go to in depth here but I do think this is a good example of environment design mattering. I was generally going for the dirty bathroom look and it's not that I lacked the skill (I kinda do tho lol) it's that it's kind of new to me and I didn't want to spend too much time doing just that. The model I used is from sm*tbase site. It's a pretty clean looking stall. I had add my own toilet (which was super clean) and had to try to dirty it up. It looks pretty jank I know but I decided to move on. The drawings and decoration was not done by me, it came with the model but I did try to add some blackened spots to the wall to make it grungy.


After staring at the end result I realize some stuff I could improve but it's one of my weaknesses. I really need to practice looking at the end result and then making gradual improvements rather than doing it all in Blender at once. There's more I could probably think to say but believe it or not I get lazy when typing these things out :P. Overall I like the look I got out of this but can't help but notice the issues




🗿 👍

David Barger

Oh fucking hot omg 😍

mysterious creature

also i make sure to read all the dev notes and appreciate the behind the scenes content. i dont notice any mistakes, one thing i did notice though, the animation goes very fast and makes it feel less impactful. if you watch this animation on .5 speed, you'll see it looks quite a bit better. not trying to critique or insult, just providing feedback as someone who appreciates all you do, both behind the scenes and the final product


For sure, thanks for the input I'll take a look into that. The mistakes maybe sort of nitpicking as I feel I can do better. I don't want to ruin the animation by pointing out every little detail but one example is that I think Juri's upper body doesn't match her lower. It's much less aggressive than the bottom.


😍😍thank you