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SPOILER ALERT!!! Something terrible has happened at the Karlov Mansion!! Ravnica's finest cleavage has been disgraced by an assassin.

What will happen now? Will she be a ghost and will Teysa finally take over as leader of the Guild, forming a new ghostly council, or will the Wizard writers come up with some ancient gadget that will once again resurrect the best breasts on the planet?

The truth is that thanks to this I will be able to increase my collection of Teysa letters ^w^

Thanks to Black Lorgar who gave me the notice of what will happen in the new collection of "Murders at Karlov manor" the first 6 chapters of the Lore are now available on the Wizard page.




Dang, that sucks! It's only a matter of time before they go and kill all that remains of Innistrad lore that I like too. Well, sexy ghosts could be fun to draw!


People saw your art and tried to stop you


Won't stop us making her sexy even in the after life.


Ive known for a few days now. It was only a matter of time b4 u heard about it ;_; Teysa was my first deck when I started MTG. I hope that A she returns as a ghost or something. Or B that this was a Dimir agent/flesh creature I forgot name of looking like Teysa. And that this was all a ploy.


Those monsters. They can’t keep getting away with this. I wonder if she returns as a ghost will her ghost need a ghost cane


Mmmm...Will this be designed so that Teysa is part of the new ghostly council?


WOWreally? I didn't know that my work had any impact. but, I have not killed the character XD


I also started MTG with a Teysa deck, which is why I am so fond of the character. I'm intrigued as to how the lore of this new collection will develop.


They just cant let women be sexy can they lol