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At the top of the KWA, there's only a handful of fighters- Tal'naya, Arysia, Daisy, Zaerine (and probably Maraani and Kara are pretty close, too). The KWA is way bigger than 4 or 6 girls, though. There's just a... sizeable gap between the top and the middle-top.

Meet the... middle top! These girls here are pretty good in their own right. But put them up against the all-stars, and they're basically jobbers.

Therea Featherlight is proooooobably the 3rd best of the night elves in the circuit. She's pretty proficient in submissions, fine enough at striking. She's got a pretty good win record, really! She's just very, very camera shy. With a little more focus and training, perhaps she could have been one of the greats. But unwilling to even get in the spotlight for a character highlight (just look at her poor face!), she's had to mostly make do teaching herself and working with her personal coach.



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