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Much like the Darkmoon Faire, or the operations of the various goblin cartels, the KWA is agnostic to the whole "Horde vs Alliance" faction war. If it wasn't obvious by the presence of humans, night elves, orcs and blood elves all wrestling under one banner, the KWA takes all comers! Still, though, this doesn't stop the fans from rooting for their "team", as it were.

Some of the most popular matches in the circuit are what's come to be called Crossroads Duels- battles between two competitors from traditionally Horde-aligned races. By the nature of its location (and Orcish culture, I suppose), the audience for most matches tends to skew very... green.

This right here is a large part of why Zaerine just decided to lean into the whole heel thing 😂

And here she is, giving the heel thing to Kara!



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