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Once Maraani manages to get set up on your shoulders like this, you have some problems. The alien physiology of her leg works absolute wonders for her here. Where most fighters can only lock their ankle behind their knee (still pretty strong, don't get me wrong), she has a comparable joint nearly a third of the way up her leg. Locking her entire hoof under her other leg gives the Draenei fighter several huge advantages. One, her thighs are much closer together, meaning the hold is that much tighter. Two, its almost impossible to get her legs separated.

From this point, Arysia needs to figure out something quickly. With the pressure mounting and her neck crushed by Maraani's legs, that something is almost definitely "tap out".

Sorry about the couple days' absence in posting, but I'm all moved in to the new place now and should be good to go from here! I really, really hate moving 😅



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