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  • SleepoverMorning.mp4
  • SleepoverNight.mp4



Which version do you like more? Night or morning? ^w^

Also moveng versions in Wallpaper engine, as usual!
Morning - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3396140739
Night - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3396153651

Btw last month I've promiced to tell you what is happening with my moving to Finland. Things went very unexpected way - I got declined for my resedence permit prolongation! They said Im kinda sus tho all of my business docs were ok ;_; And I got sooo dissapointed and mad that...I just took all the same docs and sent it again - and guess what - I got approved for another year xD
Also LUCKILY I've managed to keep all my accounts (bank, business id etc) and now I do not need to start everything over. My cats are ready to move, Ive ordered cardboard boxes, found a man who can drive me there by car (no other options to go to Finland from Russia rn other than by car through Estonia or giant lap with plane to Turkey first but then cats in luggage im too scared!)
So I guess if EVERYTHING GOES SMOOTH (hopefully this time smooth....) I might be fully relocated by the February!

Though right now Im preparing stuff (presents and food) for New Year celebration. My besties called to celebrate this time at their place because I will leave after and this might be last time we do it in Moscow sigh 
But they promiced to come on next christmas to my new place so will see xD

We also plan a tiny trip to Japan in the Spring cant wait if everyhting goes well for that! Last time I've traveled in 2018 I think. And then many circumstances happened and I've stuck homebound xD Not like im very much against... but its still nice to travel somewhere from time to time!

How your holidays going? Did you get any nice presents? Ate tasty food? Met dear people? ^w^ Tell me, I like reading your stories, it warms my heart!




Both 😆


Honestly the lighting is so gorgeous in both of these

Brok Mills

The grayish one, makes her hair pop more

Chris T

She's so cute 🥰

Fanta Flare

Both are absolutely beautiful, but I think I like night better


Night, honestly great to hear things are finally starting to work out hope it continues



Bird is the word

The night one is super cute, especially those freckles 😍 glad you're doing well

Blackguard Fox

They're very pretty! I hope everything goes well with your move.

Miles the golden Proot

love your wallpapers sooo much 😍 I am curious if you'd make a 21:9 version? if not, that's cool :3


she is beautiful in both photos but I prefer the night

diaz adventures

Let's gooooooo! Congratulations on the extension, hopefully everything goes way smoother after that and have a awesome new years🎉


That's awesome! Congrats on the move I'm so happy for you!


both, both are gud

kazuto naomi

I love both, but if I have to decide I take this in the morning, because that radiates more warmth 😅


Both look really good, although I feel the moonlight compliments Yue’s features more. Also will there be an animation with Yue and Cody in the future?

Sha'Kaar T

I think the night one looks sexier like preparing for a fun evening with an expression that says "I have a naughty idea!" The morning one looks more tranquil, like she is saying "Thanks for the wonderful evening, it was amazing!". Congrats on the application, clearly a different worker did your review, that stuff happens here in Canada too, I've had friends with that same issue of one official saying no, but the next saying yes. Good luck on the rest of the move!


night one for sure same as with older versions it feels more chute in night versions


Привет, поздравляю с переездом в Финляндию :) Надеюсь, все пойдет по плану и ты спокойно начнешь жить там. Рад, что у тебя все хорошо. Ты упомянала про наши рассказы, чтож.. сейчас возле меня стрельба, недавно прилетел дрон, резрушивший часть ТЦ. Надеюсь, это скоро закончится и 2025 год подарит всем нам мирное небо над головой. Спасибо, что радуешь нас контентом, желаю успехов в 2025, с наступающим <33

D.j. Arnold

Iv missed Yue. She is my second fav after Liz.


This is unexpected to read i am surprised and very happy it worked out for you in the end. Stay strong and keep your good attitude. Thinking about reading all the bad thinks happening in world right now, it makes me happy to read about something good for a change. Happy new year and good fortune to you and everybody you like.


Liz X Yue would be incredible lmao


We need a new animation with yue and cody 💟


Congratulations!🎉🎈🍾🎊 Got to visit my folks for Christmas. Had a simple Christmas dinner with roast beef, mashed potatoes, sweet rolls, and various salads.


Well I didn’t do much cuz ion got friends or any family near by (in a foster home) so I just played COD in my room all day and next day went to work. And yes Ik I am one lonely mf but it’s alright Ive gotten used to the loneliness for about 4 or 5 years but still I am a miserable mf😞 but Im glad everything is going well for you Eipril🫡 Happy New Year to you and to all❤️🐾


I'd say the next full on animation is of them, still deeply in love


Um no. Neither would do that. Last checked, they're straight


Okay first I like both tbh. I can just imagine the night one her being adorable for Cody to go again. Morning it's her cooing to him, "Good morning love..." I hope the next big animation features Cody and Yue; we need to catch up with them. Second congrats on everything moving wise. Let's hope it goes well so you can finally get that part finished and to a better place ^^

Lone Wolf Survivor

I care more about your well being than my own. Hopefully the moving stuff works out in the end. Also the reason before I asked if you could've helped my friend, wasn't because I thought you could, but mainly if everything worked out and she wanted to move out of Russia too, she would have a reference if it worked out for you already so she could have support. But she doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon, so I'm sorry for asking you for anything. Knowing you and those I care about are okay, is enough for me. I'll keep praying for you so you can finally finish this stuff, and not gave to worry about anything. (You won't have time reading this, so no worries skipping my message, I understand you have more important things you have to work on. ;) )


Сукпздц :(((( С новым годом! И пусть у нас всех всё будет хорошо!


большое спасибо, сейчас вроде как все наладилось, ночью работало пво, была беспилотная опасность, которую убрали ближе к 12 часам. с наступающим


Awww sorry man ;c Tho I'd say playing games all the holidays is one of my fav way to spend it! I wish to finish my long animation before new year so I could get few days off just to chill and play games but nooo I will prob spend it working on the animation haha ^^ Wish you the best!


Yesss I cant wait to settle in somewhere already. That feeling of living in a hanged moos - Im just tired of it xD Cant sit calmly and work even haha Happy holidays!


Yeah I get that feeling and same to you for happy holidays ^^


The holiday was great, Had it's ups and downs throughout the whole year but it was good. Not many things that I did do cause I don't really have any friends where I live so theirs that but I'm not too worried about that. Congratulations on getting your new place! I hope you enjoy your new place fully when you get fully comfortable. Onto what we got here on this post. I like both of them. They both capture a great feel for Yue. I can imagine that the night picture is like a little bit after Cody and Yue had time to themselves and the day is them waking up fully and then comforting each other. While I won't ask on updates for Double Dare cause I know your dealing with more things in real life and that comes first. I hope that after Double Dare, We get a new animation with Cody & Yue. Possible guess for that story is they are on a trip for a Volleyball game that Yue is playing in and after they win the game. Cody and Yue celebrate with loving each other. And who knows post credits could show Liz and Rou doing the same thing? Wouldn't know and that's not my place to say. Anyways I'm getting off track. I hope you have a great 2025 Eipril!


Aye take your time Eipril and I feel that tryna finish that work so u can relax 😂 but don’t stress yourself to much but make sure you have a happy new year :3 and ty and I wish you the best too❤️

Xylia Allen

Hope everything works out well for you. I love all your work and will always support you! I don’t you’ve ever ever consider having more intimate lesbian animations, but either way, your animations and style and work are so beautiful and amazing and in truly thank you for all the hard work and effort you always do. You are greatly respected and adored and I know things are tough. Hand in there! You are resilient and we all adore and support you and want nothing but the very best for you health and well being. Stay safe and Happy New Year! 💖 I sincerely apologize if I may come across as naive or daft. I do struggle with my own mental health issues and autism and it can be difficult for me to understand social norms and boundaries. And I just want to clarify it is never my intention to offend button always support and I always will when I can. Just take care of yourself first. And we’ll always support all the hard work you do 💕 Your animations and gifs have really helped me cope and I thank you for all that you do. I love all you characters and your art style and dedication and you are truly and inspiration as an aspirating illustrator and animator myself in addition to already being a MJ aspiring novelist writing. But I’m droning on. Anyway, I guess I’m just trying to say thank you and I will always support you so long as I’m here. You’re amazing!

kamikadze 123

Welll i hope everything will work out perfectly for you as you are the best creator. As for holidays all was usual as for most (met family, eaten some food, slept) though lack of any snow made Christmas spirit almost non-existent for me. Well good luck for you and keep such fine works of digital art coming(and don,t forget about your health too)


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Соболезную По моему городу тоже недавно работали дроны, но пво к счастью сбило все


спасибо, пво работает вроде активно, правда новости выглядят вот так на данный момент "Петарда или беспилотник — новая застольная игра в Осетии. Цель — по звуку взрыва угадать, что взорвалось."




I personally love the morning tones. And its good to read your updates. Hope things get easier for you this year! =)


Hope your move to Finland goes well. Before the civil war my G-Grandfather served as an officer in the 2nd Finnish Rifles. The rest of the family lived in St Petersburg. He used to say that if the war hadn't happened they would have all moved to that part of the empire.


I was going to say how Yue is my favorite character, and I look forward to seeing her more, but now I just hope your travel goes well. I hope I can shake your hand one day and thank you for all the great work you’ve done. P.S. please take care of yourself!❤️ To many of my favorite artists find themselves in bad health because they try to meet deadlines and push out content.


Will there be any posts this month


Yes!!!! Sorry for the delay, I will tell what the issue was in the monthly post >< Will post exclusive animation and a new wallpaper in a day or so!