Sleepover (Patreon)
SleepoverMorning.mp4 -
Which version do you like more? Night or morning? ^w^
Also moveng versions in Wallpaper engine, as usual!
Morning -
Night -
Btw last month I've promiced to tell you what is happening with my moving to Finland. Things went very unexpected way - I got declined for my resedence permit prolongation! They said Im kinda sus tho all of my business docs were ok ;_; And I got sooo dissapointed and mad that...I just took all the same docs and sent it again - and guess what - I got approved for another year xD
Also LUCKILY I've managed to keep all my accounts (bank, business id etc) and now I do not need to start everything over. My cats are ready to move, Ive ordered cardboard boxes, found a man who can drive me there by car (no other options to go to Finland from Russia rn other than by car through Estonia or giant lap with plane to Turkey first but then cats in luggage im too scared!)
So I guess if EVERYTHING GOES SMOOTH (hopefully this time smooth....) I might be fully relocated by the February!
Though right now Im preparing stuff (presents and food) for New Year celebration. My besties called to celebrate this time at their place because I will leave after and this might be last time we do it in Moscow sigh
But they promiced to come on next christmas to my new place so will see xD
We also plan a tiny trip to Japan in the Spring cant wait if everyhting goes well for that! Last time I've traveled in 2018 I think. And then many circumstances happened and I've stuck homebound xD Not like im very much against... but its still nice to travel somewhere from time to time!
How your holidays going? Did you get any nice presents? Ate tasty food? Met dear people? ^w^ Tell me, I like reading your stories, it warms my heart!