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Hi folks,

I still plan on releasing the next phase of the demo this month, but it will be very close to the end of the month as there is a certain stage that I want to get to for the end of this demo. Basically trying to get as far as the old episodes 1-7 (plus new scenes) into the next demo. Then for end of June, I am aiming to get up to around halfway through episode 8 into the next demo and for the end of July... aiming to have the upgrade completed (up to and including episode 10). And then that will be Season 1 (upgraded episodes 1-10) complete and then work commences on finishing the game (episode 25). As mentioned previously, I am quitting my job next month (June 12th), so from then all, I will be dedicating every available minute to WTHI... Nervous and excited to be an unemployed full-time developer... but really happy to be finally able to focus 100% on WTHI, get Season 1 onto Steam and get the game finished. (episode 25, plus some epilogues).

Regarding the last couple of polls, thanks so much for the feedback... Looks like (for those that want sex menus), the new (image icon, rather than menu choices) are the preferred approach, so I'll continue with that format for the rest of the upgrade. Votes were approx 4 to 1 in favour of the new format.

Regarding the overall feedback on the demos, approx 30% of you haven't played and are waiting on the finalized version. and for those that did play the demos, the average scores were 4.6, so I was really happy to see that. Thank you and I will continue with some more polls soon.

Speaking of the next demo... here are some teasers of what's coming...

As usual, let me know if any comments or questions in the comments section below or via DM.












Juan Vasquez

I can't wait to see what happens in the rest of the story. I have a funny feeling about the death of the MC's mom. It sounds a bit fishy.


This game is one of the best I've played- can't wait for the month release