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In short, I've been feeling very sick these last couple days and I'm unable to draw anything for longer than 10min before having to lay down again.

Makes me feel especially bad after the overwhelming support I've been getting lately, and while having all these ideas I want to draw in my head all I can do is lie in bed and do nothing. Just wanted to talk about it real quick because I hate being completely inactive for a few days without saying anything.

I really hope I can upload new stuff very soon, thank you all for the support.



Rick Grimes

Get well soon :)


Gute Besserung :D


Get well soon tiddie man


Thanks for the update, get well soon!


We're Patreons, not business clients. You have no deadlines or quotas. So take care of yourself and thanks for explaining your situation.


Rest well Kua! Its more important to work on getting healthy. Get well soon~


😔🙏🏻Get well

Cat Stingy

Hope you feel better soon. Take all the time you need


Definitely get to feeling better first, don't detriment your health over a few art pieces. You are doing great, take a break and get well soon.