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Should probably start tagging everything I upload so everyone can find whatever they want a lot more easily, especially if they're looking for older works.

I just noticed too, thank you for the incredible support this month, now more than ever.


For a little update regarding my current situation:

I know everyone is having a rough time now, I mentioned without going into much detail how my father hasn't been doing too well lately and because of the current situation he can't even get a proper checkup to learn what's going on exactly, so needless to say that's been on my mind at all times.

Still I want to keep on drawing as much as possible for everyone out there who enjoys my work and to feel better myself, but sometimes there's just too many thoughts on my head or just have to take care of irl stuff for almost the whole day.

I don't like talking about this stuff especially when people just want to see some cute art but I thought I'd let everyone know if it takes me longer to reply to messages, if I don't upload anything for like 3~4 days, etc.

But as always, thank you for your support, I'm very lucky to be able to support both my family and myself doing something I love.




Take your time, there is no need to push yourself. We'll understand. At least, I hope, that most of us definitely will do) You're cool and we appreciate your hard work anyway! <3 And, of course, thank you for blessing us with another great piece with Miyako! Top tier waifu! uwu

Jason Hager

Miyako 😍😍


I have never once regretted my pledge and I doubt I ever will. Your family comes before our boners and we salute you.

Cat Stingy

Take all the time you need. Health (Physical and mental) always come first. You bring out so much awesome art that a few days off is very much deserved