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(I know most people just want to see the art but I really have to get this out of my chest)

Hello, first of all I'm sorry I haven't been uploading that often at all this month or in any recent time.

I'm having to deal with a lot of things in real life that make it really hard for me to be productive in any way, can barely draw for 30 minutes without breaking down, always have a hard time getting out of bed and starting my day and can never have a good sleep.

I'm really trying my best to get out of that mood but everytime I feel like I'm making some progress, something else happens that brings me back to constantly feeling worthless and I struggle to find any reason to keep going.

But I really want to keep drawing, I want to make people's days better even just a little bit, I don't want to let anyone down. That's why I'm trying to learn how to draw better, different poses, more interesting scenes, prettier colors... but that's gonna take me some time, so please forgive me for being even slower than usual.

I really want to do the best I can, especially for my friends and everyone who supports me on Patreon or even just on twitter/pixiv.

I'm sorry, I promise I will be back to posting new art soon and better than ever.



Hope you get better Kua! 👍


Take your time :D


You may have the art of a god but you're still human. Please take your time and don't ruin your health!


Hey, we all love ya. We all hope that you'll get better and be free to take your time.


No stress, hope You will feel better soon <3


Hey don't worry it. I keep my sub no matter if 1 art or 0 arts this month. Take time, deal with your life things, and know we all support you, and you have worth to us!


Sounds rough, I hope things take a turn for the better soon!


I know you don't know me, but even if you just wanted somebody to talk to, I'd be happy to :) My DMs are always open, no matter how unimportant you might think the thing you have to say is, I'd gladly listen.


We are all in this together, Kua. And likewise, we will pull through together supporting each other. Keep up with your good work at a pace you are comfortable with, I will support you no matter what.


It sounds like you need to do some soul searching, my friend.


Just take your time, have couple days off to relax or do other things. You're still doing a fine job. We'll still be here even if you have to go on hiatus for bit. Thanks for letting us know and we wish you the best!