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  • 369206787.mp4



Oh, hi.

Remember when I said I refused to ugly cry on camera? LOL I hope you have your tissues ready. I sobbed again editing this. This episode is so beautifully done. They hit the perfect balance of gut wrenching mixed with small moments of levity. I cannot wait to talk about it on the pod.

I got really overwhelmed in the beginning and had to start the entire thing over after a break where I did some breathing and had some water. I knew it was going to get me. There are less notes inserted this time because I think my facial expressions say everything for me.

The next one probably won't be out until November because I will be in NYC for a bit. Hope you enjoy watching me cry!




💜💜💜 This episode was so hard but sooo beautiful and welll done. Also, I'm gonna be the most excited to hear your take on how all the music was used!