Update! Kitten Corps Character Creator~! (Patreon)
Hey guys so I have something exciting to share with you! I'm deep diving into my own work to try and make it mega customizable to the point where I want it to feel like its own mini-character creator type of deal, for the Kitten Corps
So what what I've done is managed to make the colors/fur/eyes/shading/face patterns/bodypattern all interchangeable with a few clicks!
What is so good about this is if you wanted to, you could very easily setup your own Kitty and bake its look to a new texture, ready to be exported!
I'm working on expanding its features like, more patterns, eye shapes, tail options, ear options, ear fluff choices, face patterns, and a few other things!
This will be a pateron paid exclusive file when it's done but I hope if you're interested you'll consider supporting me for it!
I hope to have to setup by the end in a super easy way for anyone to open the file and play around with all the options and export their very own Kitten for the Kitten Corps!
Thanks for your patience as I continue to learn and experiment with new ideas ♥