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  • Chell's Unpleasant Rancor Encounter HQ.mp4
  • Chell's Unpleasant Rancor Encounter Nude HQ.mp4



Well, while going through my SFM animations, I found this test animation that I had made a couple of months ago that I completely forgot about. I decided, hey, why not make it a bit more presentable and I also tacked on some sound and an incredibly basic (and maybe overly long) stomach shot. As well, since the Chell model allowed for it, I also made a nude version with a more, let's just say, well endowed, version of Chell (probably should have just left her with her canon proportions, but whatever).

Anyway, on the animation itself, it was an incomplete attempt to do hard vore, so no blood or anything, just a rancor managing to cleanly bisect Chell. I guess it was a decent learning experience or something, but I am not a huge fan of explicit hard vore, so it is debatable if I will be putting this to any use in the near future.

I hope y'all enjoy and as always, feel free to share your mind in the comments.



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