Christmas 2020 Animation Poll 1 (Patreon)
Okay, so as I stated in the release post for Super Snack Bros 6, I am going to be running polls for this year's Christmas animation. These will be a few relatively quick polls that will only be up for a couple of days that will narrow down what the general consensus for the animation will be.
As always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.
This particular poll will be for what sort of predator features in the animation. As well, you can vote for more than one option if you would like.
Human: fairly straight forward, the predator is a human.
Anthro: pretty much any sort of anthropomorphic animal type of predator; think something along the lines of the Krystal model that I used in the Super Snack Bros 2 animation.
Monster: fictional monsters such as a werewolf, or dragon and the like. This one is kind of a broad and generic category.
Dinosaur: self explanatory I think; I will also lump in other extinct prehistoric reptiles as well that are not technically dinosaurs such as mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, and pterosaurs.
Animal: Wild animals, the kind that make up the predators in my Bottom of the Food Chain series.
Alien: Any sort of monstrous extraterrestrial creature, from the Rancor to the xenomorph.
Other: If you can think of a potential predator that you feel does not fall under any of the other options, it goes here. It also helps if you share in the comments which predator you are thinking of.