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Alright, so, Krystal won the final Christmas 2020 predator poll, so now it is finally time for the next animation poll!

The new option this time around is "Zatanna's Magic Trick" a giantess animation that features Zatanna making an unwitting volunteer disappear into her stomach.

As always, feel free to share any thoughts that you have and remember that you can vote for as many or as few options as you want to!

The Competition: It's a deep throat competition or something, however, not all of the contestants are playing by the same rules.

Fairy Replacement: Fairies and potions are hard to come by, so Link has had to improvise.

Not Alone in the Woods: Some princesses seem to have gotten lost in a forest and it looks like one of its residents does not plan on showing them the way out that they would prefer.

Bottom of the Food Chain 5: There are still some shrunken ladies left undigested, and they are closing in on what seems to be the cause of their size based predicament. Actually getting to it may prove easier said than done however.

Zatanna's Magic Trick: Zatanna's unwitting volunteer, Harley Quinn, is about to take part in a disappearing trick that she wont forget.



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