Alyx's Halved Life Vore Animation (Patreon)
Alyx's Halved Life HQ.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
All Alyx wanted to do was go for a swim, but some of the monsters of Half Life have different plans. Contains soft and hard vore.
And here is the animation. I wound up having a good bit of free time so I got this finished pretty quickly; this was also helped by my improved work flow and the fact that this was also just kind of an easy animation. Well, technically three animations as this is effectively just a short compilation of three different animations. Regardless, I am overall happy with the final results. Also fun fact, the water in this map had an interesting interaction with the models. Namely, it seemed to make any part of the Ichthyosaur that was underwater translucent, so if you look closely while it's in the process of eating Alyx, you can see her legs underwater.
Anyway, I hope that you enjoy the animation and, as always, feel free to share any thoughts or ideas that you have.
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