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私の中では、① or ② 、もしくは両方を組み合わせるのがいいかなと思っています。












Thank you for your continued support!

This announcement is mainly for Gold Plan users and above who can make direct requests.

This is a lengthy announcement, but we hope you will read it carefully as it is important for us to continue to respond to requests in the future.

It is not directly related to Silver Plan or below, so please read it only if you are interested in making a request.

We are very grateful that the number of Gold Plan and above supporters is increasing, and we are receiving many requests.

However, the increase in the number of requests means that it takes time from the time we receive a request to the time we can post it.

I would like to give you a brief update on the current status of requests.

If you make a request today, the requested item will not be posted until four weeks later, in December.

We have already received several inquiries regarding the posting date of requested items.

We apologize for the delay. Please contact us at 🙇‍♀️

Although we are thinking that we should do something about this situation because the waiting time is too long, we have been thinking about how to deal with it.

However, considering the time and energy required to keep up with my personal life, it is not feasible for me to increase the pace of my posting.

My illustration policy is to produce uncomfortable illustrations with little or no breakdown in the portrayal of people.

Therefore, it takes a long time to produce one illustration.

Therefore, it is difficult to increase the pace of my work, and I limit the number of requests to three pieces per request.

I believe that most of my supporters are looking forward to seeing illustrations of the two members of the Nanase family.

Therefore, while I will be posting requested items, I will also try to make sure that you can enjoy them every day.

We have set up the current schedule so that one of the two illustrations is always posted on either the day or night postings.

We have no plans to change this style at present.

I have been thinking about it for more than a month now, but I have not been able to come up with a solution on my own, so I thought I would make this announcement to ask for your opinions.

I present below a proposal that I am currently considering.

①Change the resetting of requests from monthly to resetting when two requests are submitted.

    →The purpose of this is to solve the problem that the monthly reset is a cause of traffic congestion of requests.

②If two requests include the Nanase family, one of them will be used for the nightly postings. *However, limited to simple content.

    →By using one of the two requests for the nighttime posting of 8 pictures, the waiting time will be reduced. In effect, the number of requests will increase.

  However, if the content is difficult, the current limit is 3 pieces, and if both requests are for illustrations of other characters, there will be no change.

③Reduce the number of Gold Plan requests to one and the number of Platinum Plan requests to three.

    →Increase the number of Platinum Plan requests instead of reducing the number of Gold Plan requests.

  (Since most of the requests are from Gold Plan users, the purpose is to encourage those who want to make more requests to go to a higher plan, but it's not our intention, so we almost never do it).

④You agree that it will take time to deliver the product without making any changes as it is now.

    →It is difficult because it is unlikely that new supporters will understand.

Depending on what proposal is adopted, either as is or after the change

I think the actual number of requests per month will decrease.

In the case of ①, requests cannot be made until they are posted, and

In the case of ②, it is only for the Nanase family, so there will be little change for those who want to request other things or if the content is difficult.

In the case of ③, the number will simply decrease, and

In the case of ④, even though requests can be made, they are not posted until much later, so the monthly conversion is decreasing.

I would like to make sure that everyone is satisfied with the current content experience with little or no change in the enjoyment of the content experience.

In my mind, I would prefer either ① or ②, or a combination of both.

I think there are many people who find ② more appealing, but there are also many people who request content that is difficult to express.

For those who want such illustrations, it may not be of much benefit.

On the other hand, I currently think of all the nightly submissions, and sometimes I don't have an idea of what kind of illustration I'm going to use.

I'm thinking that being able to handle that by request would save a little bit of headroom and resources.

We apologize again for the lengthy explanation, but at first we did not expect such a large amount of support.

We apologize once again for our lack of understanding of how to respond to your request and for taking this action. 🙇‍♀️

However, we felt it was something we had to address in order to continue our activities in the future, so we would like to inform you at this time.

If you have any other suggestions, please feel free to let us know through comments or messages.

We will let you know when we have made a decision. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

-Nanase Nagi-


お忙しい中多数のリクエストにお応えいただいて、本当にありがとうございます!そしてお疲れ様です… 自分としてはリクエストから1ヶ月ほど経っての公開になっても構わないと考えているので4番の案が良いかなと思っています。 ですがなぎさんの考えが第一ですので、負担にならないよう活動していただければ大丈夫かと!


④は現時点では1ヶ月待ち状態ですが、タイミングによってはもっとお待ちいただくときもありますし、もしご支援いただける方が増えた場合さらに増えてしまう可能性があります… 実質①と変わらないような状態が④という状態です。 ご意見、ご心配ありがとうございます!


A combination of 1 and 2 could work well with dealing with this issue. But you could definitely implement 3 in the future as a means of getting people to upgrade their membership if they enjoy the content. It’s also something to consider if you ever decide to make a plan above platinum, but that is just my opinion of course.


Thank you for your feedback. I don't know if we will add a higher plan in the future, but if we do, we may consider plan (3).


七瀬家の2人の素敵なイラストをいつも楽しみにしています。 クオリティの高いイラストが楽しみなので、リクエストに応えるためにクオリティが下がッてしまうことが無ければ良いなと思っています。 無理のない範囲で、楽しく投稿していただけることが何よりかと思います。 ご自分が一番楽しく七瀬家のお2人の素敵なイラストを投稿できる方法を模索していただけることが、ファンとして何よりの事だと思っています。 これからも素敵なイラストの投稿を楽しみにしています。


ありがとうございます! クオリティを下げることは無いです!そこは私のポリシーとして保証させていただきます。 無理のないよう、今後のことも見据えてご提案できるよう考えたいと思います。

Bryant Yarde

Hikari wearing black lingerie pillow humping