Spellhearts - Gameplay Loop (Patreon)
2021-07-11 17:48:12
Here is a visual description of how the typical gameplay loop works.
Travel to a location in the town where a witch NPC resides to receive a quest. Quests can include completing tasks such as, fetching, recipes, puzzles, or minigames.
On the journey the player will also acquire gold and items (loot). Helpful items can be found or purchased in the town's various shops with gold.
Completing the quest successfully will result in the player gaining a magical ability. It also triggers the witch to become “interested”, which means she can now be courted by the player.
To gain a witch’s favor, the player must pass 3 phases of courting:
- Completing her quest makes triggers her “interest”
- Raising her “lust” to 100% takes you to foreplay
- Raising her “arousal” 100% takes you to intercourse